LHP Law Firm

Infrastructure & Project Finance

LHP offers extensive experience in the area of Project Finance. We have the ability to combine the local knowledge and on-the-ground experience of professionals with the specialized expertise of international project financial and technical management. We act as counsel to developers and lenders In all types of infrastructure development projects, including multi-million dollar private power plant, toll road: telecommunications and water supply projects, as well as natural gas pipeline and mining projects. We have the expertise and well managed by people who have the experiences as an independent body to evaluate, overseas project financial management and project technical management as Principal Lead Consultant Our strategic planning is to implement a high value innovation by collaboration with reputable asset managers and strategic partners from Asia, in particular Export Credit Banks and Bankers. LHP has the knowledge, strength and capability to evaluate viable prorcts, recommend and approve funding, financial and advisory services to major clients who has viable project for long term investment. Area of specialization includes Infra-Structural Projects such as Power Plant, Toll Roads, Coal Mine, and Construction work on Industrial parks, Harbor, Waterfront Facilities and Hospitality Projects tor Hotels, Resorts, Villas and Service Apartments